What can I get help with?

Below you will find a detailed breakdown of things we can assist with outside of our main services. Reach out with any questions.

Starting a Store

Opening a Store

There's lots to consider and setup when you're opening a new store.

We can answer your questions and provide guidance on things you'll want to make sure you get setup.

Migrating to Shopify

Looking to move to Shopify from another platform but not sure where to start?

We can provide guidance and options for getting your data into Shopify.

Plan Selection

Let's make sure you're selecting the right plan for your business.

While higher plans may have some additional features, you may not need them right away, so why spend extra money?

Launch Planning

There's a number of things to consider and check to ensure a smooth launch of a new store.

We're happy to provide guidance and suggestions on things to confirm before going live to the world.

Want more in-depth assistance? Take a look at our Launch Support service.

Staff and Permissions

Ensure your staff and contractor only have access to what they actually need.

Giving people more access than is required for their role can end in disaster!

Shopify Markets

Markets allows you to provide country specific pricing, languages and domains for your store.

Localized stores have shown to perform better for most merchants.

Additional Services

We'll help you ensure you've got the basic services implemented that you need to effectively run a business.

Things like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Merchant Center and Google Ads are top of the list.

We'll also suggest options for Backups, Quickbooks Sync and more!

Store Management

Products and Variants

How you set up your products matters. We can provide guidance on the best way to setup your products based on your business needs and systems.


Have a product that you think would do well with subscriptions?

Let's chat about your options!

Metafields & Metaobjects

Gone are the days of endless templates to add custom content to your Products.

Not sure how to take advantage of these new options, let us help!


Not sure about working with your customers in Shopify? We can provide guidance on adding/updating customer profiles or even removing Personal Identifiable Information(PII) based on customer data requests.


There's a number of ways to implement Discounts in Shopify, but it can get confusing.

Not sure what type of code to use, or how to setup Discounts that only apply to certain products, we can help.

Shopify Analytics

Understand how Shopify Dashboard and Reports provide a wealth of data for you to understand how your store is performing.

Payment Providers

If you can't take payments, then you can't run your business!

We'll help you understand your options for payment providers on Shopify.

Shopify Tax

Make sure you're collecting taxes properly in your store!

While we cannot offer tax advice or let you know where and what taxes you should be collecting, we can ensure you're collecting what you need!

Store Policies

These legal pages are required for your store and are legally binding.

We can't offer legal advice, but we can make sure you've got the right pages setup to cover yourself.

Shipping and Delivery

Shipping Profiles

Shipping profiles allow you to charge accurate shipping rates through product-based shipping rules.

We can provide guidance on setting these up properly.

Shipping Zones

A Shipping Zone contains the rates for shipping to different areas.

It may be recommended to setup Shopify Markets to better serve your customers.

Shipping Rates

You can offer Flat Rates or Calculated Rates for your customers.

Not sure what the difference is, we can help you choose the right options for your store.

Shopify Shipping

Shopify Shipping provides integrations with USPS, UPS and DHL in the US and Canada Post and UPS in Canada.

You can not only display calculated rates to your customers, but also purchase discounted labels right through Shopify.

Order Routing

Managing multiple locations can be complex, but with Order Routing, you have the ability to establish rules for determining fulfillment and priorities across locations.

Pickup and Delivery

Local customers love In Store Pickup and Delivery options.

Ensure you're providing the best service to your customers with more options.


Let's make sure you've got your Packages setup right if you're using Calculated Rates.

We'll help you understand how packages are used, and how to select your Default package.

Need a more custom solution, we can suggest some apps that can provide greater control of your shipping rates.

Packing Slips

Want to print Packing Slips or copies of orders in your packages?

We can help get you setup for easy printing of these.

Online Store

Testing Themes

Did you know you can try themes from the Shopify Theme Store before you buy them?

We can show you how to install and test the theme to make sure you get what you want.

Buying Themes

Let's talk about Themes. While there are a lot of places to buy a theme online, you might not want to stray too far from the Shopify Theme Store.

We can ensure you know what's what so you can make an informed decision.

Pages and Blogs

Not sure about the difference between Pages and Blogs in Shopify and how you can use them effectively?

We can discuss blogging strategies with you as well, you shouldn't blog for the sake of blogging.


An easy to follow Navigation structure is important for your customer experience and driving them to the right areas of the website.

Don't overcomplicate things, we can provide guidance and suggesting for setting up navigation that won't overwhelm your customers.

URL Redirects

Make sure that customers don't end on a 404 Error page. Redirects allow you to point pages that no longer exist to a new page.

This can be a product, page, blog post or even the homepage. This is especially important when you're migrating from other platforms.

Storefront Filtering

Ensure your customers are able to easily sort and filter your products.

Setting up Filtering options properly can make a huge difference in your sales.

Order Management

Creating Orders

While customers are able to purchase online, you're also able to create manual orders called Drafts!

We can help you understand how to use Draft orders to work with customers over the phone or in person.

Editing Orders

You're able to edit an order after it's been placed to add or remove items for your customers.

Let us help you edit your order if you're not sure how!

Cancel and Refund

At some point you'll need to cancel and refund an order.

There's a number of options when cancelling an order, we can make sure you are doing this correctly.

Order Timeline

The Order Timeline is often overlooked but provides additional details for you.

You can also use the Timeline to add notes or communicate with Staff.

Let us show you how you can take advantage.

Self Serve Returns

Let your customer initiate returns themselves through the Self Serve Returns in Shopify.

We can help you understand the requirements for setup to ensure you're ready to get going.

Apps and Sales Channels

Shopify Apps

We can provide assistance and answer questions about many of the Shopify Made Apps that are currently available.

Third Party Apps

We'll assist with a third-party app to the best of our ability, but reaching out to the App Developer may be required.

If required, we can provide additional assistance with some of the partner apps we are well versed in.

Shopify Sales Channels

Getting your products in front of your customers is one of the most important things you can do these days.

We can provide guidance on best practices and use of the Shopify Sales Channels.

Third Party Channels

We will do what we can to provide assistance with third party sales channels. Reaching out to the Channel Developer may be required if we're not able to assist.